DIY: Candied Orange Peels

A very popular ritual during Ostara is to make hot cross buns! I have never tried them but they look and sound like some cute pastry little bow peep would eat. Hot cross buns are a treat that you can either eat or bake on Ostara ( I plan on baking mine the night before and I’ll be sure to share!) The recipe I’ve decided to use (along with most I have seen) calls for candied orange peels. Which you can make yourself.

The recipe I used:

My struggles:

So as much as I love cooking I lack so much general knowledge on the matter. My google search bar history is a little embarrassing to say the least (“why are my candied orange peels turning brown?). So a little helpful tip; when the recipe says simmer it means cook on very low heat (not a slight boil as I interpreted it!) and also don’t stir the sugar and water after it heats up, it makes the sugar start crystalizing (which turned out tasting delicious, at first, and then turned into a burnt glass candied mess.)


Learn about orange peels in Wicca