Elements: Air


Rune: Ansuz

Direction: East

Season: Spring

Time of Day: Dawn

Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air is one of the elements that is the most easy to connect with. We can obviously see that it’s important considering without it we would suffocate and die. But to really think of air as a magical force is something different for me. To just know that by breathing in and out every day you are effecting the entire earth is pretty amazing. Whether it’s the actions you take while you live or it’s the effect of moving air in and out of your lungs that slowly changes things, it’s hard to ignore how amazing the everyday thing truly is.

I can be a bit of a skeptic sometimes but when you think of how important air is and how much it can do, the way it lives and moves like it’s own entity it’s pretty magical.

Air represents intellect, thought, creation, imagination, travel, physical and mental movement, education, liberty, and communication.