Ostara: Ritual and words

Ostara Ritual

I got this ritual from: http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/ostarathespringequinox/ht/OstaraSolRite.htm-3

I changed the actual words to things I felt were more whimsical. I like my stuff to rhyme or else it starts to remind me the catholic church, which is okay, but definitely not as fun.

What you need

-Candles (yellow, green, and purple)

-A bowl of milk

-A little bit of honey or sugar. 

-Open some windows

Take a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply and try to smell the changes of the seasons. 

Light the green candle, which represents the blossoming earth, and say: “The wheel of the year turns, and the vernal equinox arrives. Light and dark are equal in size. The soil changes, the earth awakens.”

Light the yellow candle, which represents the sun, and say: “The sun draws closer warming the earth and soul, light and dark are equal. The sun warms all in its path creating new life at last.”

Light the purple candle, which represents the divine, and say: “Spring has come. The divine is; the cool fall of a rainstorm, the tiny buds of a flower, the down of a newborn chick, the fertile fields waiting to be planted, the sky above and the earth below, we thank the universe for giving us life, and new life. Welcome life.”

Blend the milk and honey together gently. 

While blending say: “I make this offering to the earth, as thanks for the blessings I have received, and those I shall someday receive.”

Lastly, pour the mixture outside in the a yard or garden.